[Translation] 141212 1st Concert @ Seoul – Talk after Wildflower

Dec 12, 2014_Park Hyo Shin 15th Anniversary Happy Together Concert in Seoul

— Translation for Daejang-nim’s talk after singing Wildflower —

1/ The emoticons are mostly from the Chinese translation
2/ I’ve included some description of the actual situation in [ ] for additional explanation
3/ This youtube video shows part of the talk, and I have indicated the starting and ending points in the paragraphs below
4/ The full audio (with hangul subtitle) can be found here: youku audio


After Wildflower ends….

(Fans) ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry…’

Sorry o(╯□╰)o

I need to blow my nose, so

Can’t give this [towel] to you
/fans laugh/

Ah really
So upsetting

Ah really upsetting [at himself]
So sorry

This is a song that I’ve been preparing again and again though

(Fans) ‘One more time! One more time!…’

Ah what a mess [referring to him crying and couldn’t finish the song]
What should I do

What? Can’t hear you
What did you say?
/fans said something like “sing the song again”/

We’ll listen to it later, okay?

Even during the rehearsal
This is a song that makes me uneasy, uh-um

If I really were to sing with open eyes
I’m afraid I won’t be able to control my emotions
That’s why I sang it with closed eyes

At one point,
After singing for, about a bar,
My hands were like this [curled up in a ball]

Originally, mm,
I imagined myself singing coolly with open hands, like in the MV
I have always practiced with that thought in my mind (but I didn’t sing the way I thought I would)

To tell the truth, the song is not even really difficult
/Fans were playfully boo-ing him ^^/

Oh oh
I’m just saying

even if I want to sing it again one more time
don’t really have the confidence now

<< youtube video starts here >>

I really cried wrongly [should not have cried]
(Anyone who cries) should cry the correct way
If someone cries the wrong way, he will lose his voice
Can I talk for a bit more?
(Fans) ‘Yes!!’

Going crazy

Anyway so
I wanted to perform this coolly
while rehearsing I pictured this stage in my mind again and again

But as soon as I opened my eyes
because of all of you


That split second
the memories flowed like the rushing current from a broken levee

[slowly turns around to wipe his nose]

I am really sorry

[laughs, embarassed, got up from his seat to wipe his nose]
/audience cheers/

Ah ah
Aaah~ [sings]
test test

[to pianist] Noona please play a little from the bridge

I might not be able to sing because I just cried…

[to pianist] Also from the bridge after the chorus
[deep breath, exhales then laughs] /fans laugh and cheer/
What are the next lyrics
can’t remember…
what is it?

[to pianist] Noona please start

I still sound nasally [from the crying] what to do…

Your hand that is growing far apart
I can’t hold onto it so it hurts
Just until I can survive, just as much as I hated you
When the spring comes to bring you back later on
Then I will bloom on that day

<< youtube video ends here >>

/Audience cheer/

I still have runny nose

You guys please don’t take picture of this and post it

Ah really
Why do I keep touching the part [on the towel] that has goo on it

Ah really so upsetting

Ah, sorry, really


Yeah… Just now… I really
Not lying
Actually… It’s really a song that does not have many thoughts behind

When the song was first wrote
Mm…I was still in the army
Um…I have been discharged
Uh…Came back
Have some free time

That time I was serving in the army with Jung Jae Il
That time
Jung Jae Il used a guitar
that is
what was it

Really, just like that
Can I say it? Just a little bit?

The rapport between Jung Jae Il and I are really strong
Like, “Why are we here? (in the army)”

That is
At that time
“I Am A Singer” just started being broadcasted
(⊙v⊙) Hmm
We were together
watching the tv while eating our dinner
Jae Il, he
had this strange expression on his face
when I looked at him from the side
But turns out
that same strange expression
was on my face too

we looked at each other
Jae Il, he was like,
if it were you on that stage
if I were there
I would make you an unrivaled song”
he said that


Ah I have to control my feelings here
really…my heart hurts so much

I really like army life
Of course everyone will think that I’m lying, right?
But really amazingly
It was so difficult
Although there are many other comrades in the army who had far more difficult times than I did
I also had my fair share of hard times

Living in the army
although that was truly a very tiring period

Now that I am discharged, in retrospect
that time
I enlisted when my heart was most filled with hurt and scars, really
though it was difficult, once I got through it and looked back
when I think of those times, (I) really miss it

I really thought a lot about it
that I want to go back to that period of time
really really
one day
because time flies so quickly
far quicker than the present time
one day
I will look back to the road that I have travelled
The first thought that comes to my mind will still be

during the most difficult times
I will doubt myself
will look for the answers

and like this I went through those two years
really learnt and experienced a lot
and took away a lot from it
although I did not know it at that time

During this process
in the process of continuous labour and work
even though I can feel it
but (I did not pay attention to it) because it was too exhausting

But after being discharged
when I think back to those days
I really took away a lot from it

at that time
together with Jae Il
“sketched” a lot of songs

That song
really was just a flash in the mind
the thought just came out at that time

That day
with this genius
really, a genius
even without a bass
he could write the bass arrangement on the score sheet
in the morning after waking up
ah, really unbelievable, so upsetting [with envy ^^”]

He was my senior
Uh can I talk about topics on army life?
I’ll quickly finish this topic within one minute
And continue singing

He’s my senior
I was the most junior person in the army
Until I was a Corporal, I did not have any junior ranked below me
Jae Il gave me a lot of support
I would wake up to the sound of the coffee brewing
he will prepare a cup of tea after the coffee
This is Jae Il (≥▽≤)
and (he will) look out the window to the faraway scenery
and sit down
flip open his music score book
doing what…
really, that time he did not even have a bass or a guitar
Just like that, on his own [strumming in the air]
and I looked on, amazed, from the side at him

It was one of those days
that we had those songs written down
Wildflower was one of those
and a few other ones
will probably be in the new album
One of those songs is Happy Together

Actually when we wrote Wildflower
from your perspective
after Snow Flower
even though I have other popular songs
every time as soon as Snow Flower comes out
it overshadows all other songs

What do I think of this?

To be honest Snow Flower was not even my song /fan laughs/
But I feel grateful for it
(that) other countries too think that it is my song
So now
I think of it as my song now
and I sing it as if it is my song

this song, Wildflower
I never thought it would become a song like Snow Flower
when it was released
the truth is
I was so afraid
I don’t even dare to leave my home
I just stayed inside
and reviewed the responses
Feeling really, really happy
I really cried a lot during those few days
(you know that) I was always a cry baby
but now
since I have aged I cry less

Just a moment
I need to drink more water because I’m having a cold

[to staff ]
I… maybe
while I talking
please bring me my prescribed medicine
medicine… water… just a little… for me

just a minute
my nose is running again

[to staff] Um, please be careful when you take this (towel with goo)

Aih really [laughs]

Um, so
Oh? Ah
my earphone suddenly…
sorry… let me take this off… [putting back his earphone]

Where were we?
Ah yes, Snow Flower
Ah, cried so much, so
Really cried a lot
feel so happy and full of all kinds of feelings
It’s just that
at that time
even though I have a lot of thoughts
because of the 7th album
because of that song
It’s true that the 7th album was postponed a lot
because I have a lot of other thoughts
because of all those thoughts
the album was postponed

will return with the new album as soon as possible

Just like now, together with all of you
to bring happiness to everyone
I want to focus on singing
really sing well for all of you
so the title of Wildflower
will be changed to “Never-aging Grass” [literal translation]

when I’m writing a song
(I) look very lonely
Thing is
(there are) people like me
people who lives like I do
it’s not just me
but many others (like me) out there

That is
I want to write lyrics that touch and warm people’s hearts
I want to, really
but the funny thing is
I really want to sit down coolly and write
but I can’t
so in the end I went into the toilet (⊙v⊙)

For a few days
I was stuck at the first few bars
but once I was in the toilet
I nearly finished the first verse

Cried alone in the toilet too (⊙o⊙)
“it’s here, it’s here”
writing, writing

That’s why this song, Wildflower
since it was released until today
it’s been quite a long time, right?
(fans) ‘ung~’
but it’s still on the music charts?
(fans) ‘ung ung~~’
Why is it like this?
My juniors (hoobae) are all here..
(≥▽≤) /fans cheer/ the percussionist at the back joined in/
Not that I want the song to come down (from the charts)
Just that…I feel a little bit bad (towards his hoobaes)

okay, I should not say so much
my voice is now ready
Wait a minute

Be careful not to catch a cold

drink more omija tea~


Chinese translation reference from asicf_nemo & aiko_jang @ baidu park hyo shin bar

English translation_yannelea

141215 [HeraldCorp] Wildflower of Tears, Park Hyo Shin

[이슈리뷰]눈물의 야생화, 박효신
[Issue Review] Wildflower of Tears, Park Hyo Shin

2014-12-15 16:41

“Even today I tried not to think about any feelings. Because it’s a song with so many meanings…Aigoo I’m sorry…”

It seems like the sadness which was out of control could not be refrained and the hot tears could not be lessened. At the climax of the song, even though the heart wanted to sing perfectly for the audience, even though he tried to straighten his breathing, he was so choked up with the burning emotions that could not be suppressed — in the end he could only whisper the last sentence ‘그 봄이 오면 그날에 나 피우리라’ (when the spring comes, I shall blossom.’) The 10,000 audiences who were all holding their breaths sent their sad sighs with the same feelings.

A scene from Singer Park Hyo Shin’s solo concert ‘Happy Together’ held on the previous 14th, 6pm at Seoul Olympic Park Gymnasium Arena.

On the previous 12th-14th at the same venue, Park Hyo Shin’s 15th Anniversary Live Tour, ‘Happy Together’, began with the Seoul performance. About 30,000 audiences were mobilized for the 4-hour total extremely passionate stage. From the singer Park Hyo Shin to the musical actor Park Hyo Shin, everything could be seen at the superbly designed ‘very special performance’. The stage set was magnificent and splendor at the same time, even with Park Hyo Shin’s sad songs, the result was explosive.

‘Happy Together’ opens with two siblings who lost their way. The two young children made a wish for ‘happiness’ and received a bracelet as a gift. The bracelet replaced the usual shining neon bars in the concert venue, and was Park Hyo Shin’s intention for thanking the fan’s support. Even though the audience could not control the individual bracelet, the bracelet’s colour changes diversely following the atmosphere and feelings of the songs, heightening the radiating heat in the stadium even more. That is the first happiness given by Park Hyo Shin.

After that, the audience was presented with a “Time Travel”. Gem-like hit songs were continuously sung and once again ‘happiness’ was in the air. Under the mesmerizing illumination, Park Hyo Shin who sang passionately with his unique and appealing tonal qualities stole the 10,000 audience’s breath away.

Next, not the singer, but the musical actor Park Hyo Shin became the person giving out ‘happiness’. He acts out with confidence some of the main scenes from the musicals ‘Elizabeth’ and ‘Mozart!’, enthusiastically singing with his musical crew, leading the audience’s responses. In that moment, the stage transformed into a grand theater for the musical. When that musical stage ended, it was clear how much ‘musical’ means to his life, and whenever he needs anything in the future he would remember the great help he had received in the previous days.


When that ended, Park Hyo Shin’s ‘Wildflower’ which still ranks in the various music site charts since it was released in March was sung. On this 15th anniversary since his debut, as soon as he thinks of the many things that have happened, as soon as those memories flash like kaleidoscope across his mind, his tears fell uncontrollably. For him, ‘Wildflower’ is a song which was “born” with those thoughts. The song moved him to tears without fail for those 3 days since the opening of the concert.

Park Hyo Shin’s explosive singing ability shines like the beaming light rays, and indeed he wishes to present ‘Wildflower’ to the audience at the concert stadium perfectly, splendidly. “Even today I did not want to think about any feelings”, he said, while wiping the flowing tears and explaining that because the song means so much to him, that even though he tried hard to pull his emotions together, it was too difficult for him. Park Hyo Shin’s 10,000 audience’s supportive shouts rang throughout the stadium. The singer Park Hyo Shin who spills even more tears every time they call for him, who is like the wildflower blooming through difficulties, is, for the crowd, the greatest ‘happiness’ of all.

Kim Ha Jin, Issue Team Reporter /hajin1008@

Original article: Korea Herald Biz
English translation: yannelea@phsplanet

Self-composed by Captain

[This page only lists where Captain Park is involved as either/both lyricst, composer and/or arranger of the song]

Source: music.daum.net/parkhyoshin

[1999] Park Hyo Shin Vol.1 – Things I Can’t Do For You [1집 해줄수 없는일]

05| 스토킹 (Stalking)
Composer 박효신, 제갈건 (Park Hyo Shin, Je Gal Geon)

08| 링이 (Ring)
Composer 박효신, 제갈건 (Park Hyo Shin, Je Gal Geon)

10| Inside Love
Lyricist 박효신, 이상호 (Park Hyo Shin, Lee Sang Ho)

11| Outro
Lyricist 박효신 (Park Hyo Shin)

[2001] Park Hyo Shin Vol.2 – Second Story


[2002.09.14] Park Hyo Shin Vol.3 – Time-Honored Voice


[2004.04.20] Park Hyo Shin Vol.4 – Soul Tree

02| Hey U Come On
Composer 박효신 (Park Hyo Shin)

07| 찾을 수 없는 길 (The Road That Cannot be Found)
Lyricist 박효신, 신재홍 (Park Hyo Shin, Shin Jae Hong)

15| Christmas Serendipity (Hidden Track)
Composer 박효신 (Park Hyo Shin)

[2007.01.29] Park Hyo Shin Vol.5 – The Breeze Of Sea

02| 추억은 사랑을 닮아 (Memories Resemble Love)
Lyricist 김태윤, 박효신 (Kim Tae Yoon, Park Hyo Shin)
Composer 박효신, 황성제 (Park Hyo Shin, Hwang Seong Je)

05| Lost
Lyricist 김태윤, 박효신, 윤사라 (Kim Tae Yoon, Park Hyo Shin, Yoon Sa Ra)
Composer 박효신, 황성제 (Park Hyo Shin, Hwang Seong Je)

08| 그립고… 그리운 … (Yearning…Yearn…)
Composer: 박효신, 황성제 (Park Hyo Shin, Hwang Seong Je)

09| Like A Star Feat. Choi A-Rum from Bubble Sisters
Lyricist 박효신, 최갑원 (Park Hyo Shin, Choi Gab Won)
Composer 박효신, 황성제 (Park Hyo Shin, Hwang Seong Je)

13| 1991年 찬바람이 불던 밤 (A Windy Night in 1991)
Lyricist 박효신, 최갑원 (Park Hyo Shin, Choi Gab Won)
Composer 박효신 (Park Hyo Shin)

17| Story Of The Sea…
Lyricist 박효신 (Park Hyo Shin)

[2008.11.20] Hwang Project Vol. 1 (Welcome To The Fantastic World)

Owl City

01| Fantastic World
Lyricist 박효신 (Park Hyo Shin)

02| The Castle of Zoltar
Lyricist 박효신 (Park Hyo Shin)
Composer 박효신, 황성제, 황세준, 황찬희 (Park Hyo Shin, Hwang Seong Je, Hwang Se Joon, Hwang Chan Hee)

03| 마지막 인사 (The Last Farewell)
Lyricist 박효신 (Park Hyo Shin)

[2009.09.14] Park Hyo Shin Vol.6 – Gift Part 1

Owl City

01| Gift
Lyricist 박효신, 최갑원 (Park Hyo Shin, Choi Gap Won)
Composer 박효신, 황세준 (Park Hyo Shin, Hwang Se Joon)

[2010.12.06] Jelly Christmas

Owl City

01| Christmas Time
Lyricist 김두현, 박효신, 이주형 (Kim Doo Hyun, Park Hyo Shin, Lee Joo Hyeong)

[2010.12.14] Park Hyo Shin Vol.6 – Gift Part 2

Owl City

01| Beautiful Day (Feat. 스컬)
Lyricist 스컬, 박효신, 최갑원 (Skull, Park Hyo Shin, Choi Gab Won)

03| 눈물날려 그래 (Shed Tears…)
Lyricist 린, 박창현, 박효신 (Lyn, Park Chang Hyun, Park Hyo Shin)

[2014.03.28] Park Hyo Shin – Single – Wildflower 야생화

Owl City

Lyricist 김지향, 박효신 (Kim Ji Hyang, Park Hyo Shin)
박효신, 정재일 (Park Hyo Shin, Jeong Jae Il)

120713 HIM Magazine interview

July 13, 2012 <HIM> Military Culture Magazine

[HIM Meeting Him in July]

On the D-100 that makes any soldier’s heart flutter, we meet with Park Hyo Shin’s innerself at the seaside of Yeosu!


In order to support the success of the Yeosu Expo as a national event, Park Hyo Shin performs in front of 20,000 visitors with the DEMA team at the opening stage for ‘POP FESTIVAL’ on Jun 16, which coincides with the 100th day to his discharge date. He is here today and yet strangely enough he wears uniform worn by 102th Supplement Troop in the cold and bitter Chuncheon. The days as a soldier who is busier than anybody else are almost at an end, but there are still much unforgettable memories. Here at the seaside of Yeosu we get closer to his inner self – which could be described with three key terms.


Although the word ‘god’ (‘shin’) is not intentionally added to the name, but if one searches for Corporal Park’s songs, most likely one will find related search terms like ‘god of ballad songs’ or ‘god given voice’. Park Jeong Hyun, who graduated from the MBC show “I am a Singer” with Park Hyo Shin’s “Fool” said that “I just wanted to try to sing like Park Hyo Shin” when he talked about how he succeeded in the show.

But even when hailed as the much-praised God of Music, Park Hyo Shin still has to go through the tough life like the other 650,000 men in the army. After Lee Joon Ki, who was in the same DEMA troop, was discharged, he mentioned a funny secret in a variety show: “Even though (Park Hyo Shin) is the top ballad singer in Korea, his movements are seriously slow beyond description…” which was why Lee Joon Ki was especially harsh on PHS during his army training. Lee Joon Ki concluded with some aegyo: “When PHS is discharged, I need to bow down when I meet with him (because LJK is actually younger than PHS so he needs to be polite to PHS who is his hyung).”

That is indeed how PHS is like. When PHS first entered the army, he was requested by the reporters to salute (so that they could take pictures) during the interview with the 102th Supplement Troop. PHS replied, “I am going into the army to learn how to do this, so when I come out, I will do better” and adamantly refused to pose no matter what the others say. By now his salutations are already very steady.

And not just salutations. Both the people who have seen Corporal Park all these while and his fans who have not seen him for a long time agree that he has grown to be stronger and more handsome than ever. The interesting thing is, as if to commemorate his change, the pattern of the army uniform has changed as well.

Nam Bok Hee, performance team leader of DEMA who was also in consolatory train performance said this about Corporal Park Hyo Shin: “At the beginning PHS feels like a cute/adorable hyung (senior), but slowly he started to develop his own unique character and show his hidden charisma. He only has a very short time left in the army until his discharge – his leaving will be a great loss to DEMA.”

By the time monthly magazine <HIM> could be circulated amongst the soldiers, Corporal Park Hyo Shin would already be wearing his Sergeant badge. Of course, that merely means that he has found another position in his army life. Life needs a process where one becomes stronger and more mature, especially with the sensitivity and fragility that only ballad singers have, plus the maturity and charisma that he only just gained – this is perhaps the purpose of this period of time (in the army).


In order to cheer the soldiers on duty, during the consolatory train stages, from the beginning until the end Park Hyo Shin always managed to deliver his gentle warmth. Countless eyes were focused on him, hundreds and thousands of audience turned up.

“Can friends at the back hear clearly?”
“What about friends over here?”

Even the little tips were very heart-warming. He openly shared his experience during his p.f.c period with all his heart. There were doubts of his sincerity at the beginning, but his actions were consistent throughout his performances, whether at Gyeonggi-do Division 30, or Gangwon-do Division 8, or even at Jeju Defense Command performing for the soldiers at the Consolatory Train in Jungmun. Because he wants to share everything, even to the smallest detail, he often includes impromptu performances on stage, little talks etc.

“When Lee Eun Mi seonbae performed my “Good Person” in ‘I am A Singer’ there was great atmosphere. Is it alright to perform a little bit of that for you?”
“A while ago someone sang “Yearning” in MNET’s Voice Korea, shall I sing a verse from that song?”

Even though he’s a ballad singer (as oppose to an idol group…? I’m not sure what this means…) but every time his performance ends the audiences would immediately break into a loud applause. I understand his reasons to want to return to Ilsan, because he wants to work hard together, to feel youth again together. Why would this be? Let’s hear him out.

“I am also experiencing the army life together, so I just want to share whatever I can. That’s why even if it can only help a little bit I still wish to tell it to everyone. This might be why there are soldiers who are waiting for my voice and are enjoying it.”

That is why in the army Corporal Park Hyo Shin’s popularity is not any less than any girl group. Everywhere he goes, he can feel the soldiers’ welcoming hearts.

There is a fact that is not widely spread: those who are very familiar with Corporal Park call him a great foodie. Even though right now there aren’t many chances in the army, (outside of the army) he is already a frequent customer in many delicious restaurants because he always goes to look for good food. Moreover, compared to eating the food himself, he enjoys watching others eat more.


After joining the army, he became busier than anyone else because he accepted a lot of assignments. As a new recruit he performed an all new style for the army “Overcoming Myself”, followed with “Blue Pine” during the second year of Cheonan for the National Defense Department, an all new composed army song “Cool Fellow”, and the recomposed “My Beloved Comrade” etc, eventually producing a series of army songs that can compete with the level of a mini album.

Corporal Park’s strong presence can be felt in the Consolatory Train show. In the first part he was the judging committee for the ‘BE THE STAR’ competition, and was very active, too. In the second part he joined in with other soldiers to enjoy the bright youth.

There was this incident: Once he looked extremely tired, and felt like he was about to fall sick. At that time he thought the performance of the day would be very difficult. But the moment he stood on the stage he was totally transformed into another person. Someone asked him “what happened?” afterwards and he said, “the body felt very tired, but once I stepped onto the stage I just unconsciously want to show the best of myself!”

DEMA Performance team leader Nam Bok Hee commented that Park Hyo Shin is a singer with true talent and great professionalism, and he will not settle for anything below par for any reason. Even if it is just a rehearsal he will still put his best effort into it. This Corporal Park surprises people a lot many times.

He is especially strict with his requirements for sound effects, and there is absolutely no tolerance in this. If the sound effects do not reach his standards, he would not let it go until it is fixed, and it is already to a point where he is considered harsh to himself. The staff in charge of the audio system almost always had to bear the extra hours because of this, but still no one could bring themselves to dislike him for this. His most frequent words are “please bring out the mixing effect a little bit more” and “please let the voice out more gently and with more warmth”. I think his most professional part is the fact that he possesses more than just a professional voice.

On June 16 there will only be 100 days until his discharge from the army. After the end of Yeosu Expo’s ‘POP FESTIVAL’ monthly magazine <HIM> and Corporal Park Hyo Shin had a brief meeting, and in this short amount of time we also saw different sides of him through our interview.

With a heart for perfection, he even takes care of his hairstyle on his own. Standing in front of the camera, he did not pose according to the rehearsed options but instead showed poses that he thought about before the meeting. Every single detail shows that he wants to do his best, and even now I can picture his thoughtfulness in my mind. Since he always wore his soldier uniform during his previous performances, he finally had the chance to change into something with more character for the Yeosu Expo performance. He got a little worried because he was going to appear in HIM, and this brought attention and concerns from his comrades, too.

“In any case, wouldn’t it be better to take off the bracelet?”
“But you didn’t wear it previously at the Consolatory Train, right?”

At Yeosu’s seaside! His charismatic aura is far-reaching even when not donning his military uniform. He has already been transformed into a real soldier. We asked him how he feels on D-100.

“Before this I feel like army serving time is very long, but now looking back, I can’t even remember how I went through all these, and it feels like time is so short. As a soldier I accepted many different assignments and tried to complete them all, and also followed my own way to work hard at them. That’s why even when the army service ends I will not forget everything. Right now the appointed discharge date in on Sept 24, and I plan to continue and complete my last Consolatory Train performance around mid of July. I feel very sad to part ways too, because life in the army has given me much joy and happiness, but I will continue to keep at this uplifting and positive attitude. I cannot say goodbye to each and every one of my comrades, but I hope to greet everyone through HIM. In the army life, nothing is more important than our own health. I hope that everyone stays healthy.”

Original text and image credit: HIM 2012 July issue
Chinese translation: rainbow015 @ Baidu

Eng translation: Yanne