190629 Park Hyo Shin @ Kim Ji Hun @ Instagram

역쉬 우리 대장。 목상태는 최악이지만 그 어려운 노래들을 부를때도 흔들림이 없구나。。 양적으로나 질적으로나 지난번 공연을 스스로 뛰어넘어 버리는 클라스。아무리 객관적으로 비교해봐도 우리나라에서는 이 수준을 따라갈 수 있는 공연이 없네。박효신 공연을 한번도 못본 사람은 많겠지만, 한번만 본 사람은 별로 없을것 같다는게 업계의 정설。
그래서 이번에도 올콘 도전합니다 ㅎㅎㅎ

#박효신콘서트 #LOVERS2019 #WhereIsYourLove

As expected from our captain. Though
his throat was in a bad condition, he
didn’t waver singing all those difficult
songs. His class is such that he is
outpacing the quality & expanse of his
previous performance. No matter how
hard I objectively compare him with
others, there is no one in our country
that can beat the standard of his
performance. Though they are a lot of
people who have yet to go to his concert,
I think it’s impossible for those who have
been to it to think that it’s unimpressive. So, I’m going to try an all-concets this time.

Kim Ji Hun wears Lovers t-shirt on the photos, the same as he showed 3 days ago in his program.

190629 Park Hyo Shin & actress Ko So Young @ Instagram

Actress Ko So-young visited Park Hyo-shin’s concert.
After the concert she posted her photo with Park Hyo Shin and wrote: “3 years waiting for Hyo-shin #LOVERS2019 Congratulations on the first day ❤ ️Hyo Shin and fans are also the best. After four hours of passionate performance I went to check the waiting room”.

and Ko Soo Young friend took a photo too.
Precious Captain… Every time I say the same thing
Thank you for singing ❤

Watching performances together
Crying and smiling friends 😂 @kosoyoung_official
Thanks ❤

[Review IS] Park Hyo Shin LIVE 2019 LOVERS: where is your love?

“Hey, Lovers, I’m not lonely anymore”.

On June 29, the first show in Park Hyo Shin’s solo concert entitled “Park Hyo Shin LIVE 2019 LOVERS: where is your love?” was held at Olympic Gymnasium, Seoul.

In order to express the theme “LOVERS: where is your love?” of this concert, Park Hyo Shin – who celebrates his 20th debut anniversary this year – has released special videos and songs for the male singer and fans to think about “Lovers” together. Both Park Hyo Shin – who stood on stage – and the 15,000 audiences all thought about the lovers around them and created a space and time filled with love to feel the meaning.

On the first day of the solo concert, Park Hyo Shin chose “Lovers” – the song that was unexpectedly released 1 hour before the concert – to be the opening song. Park Hyo Shin started the show impressively when appearing in front of the piano – a new rare image that could be admired – and attracted the audience’s attention immediately. Then, the male singer performed such songs as “Shine Your Light”, “Wonderland”, “HAPPY TOGETHER”, and delivered a spectacular opening for the solo concert after 3 years.

After sharing his feelings to kick off the concert, “The Lovers that I have been searching for is now right in front of me”, the lovers are the audience, Park Hyo Shin explained about the context of planning as the creative director, “I have created the concert ‘LOVERS: where is your love?’ with the thought that I have to hold someone’s hand.” Then, he demonstrated his determination, “I have created the idea and prepared for this concert “Lovers” for 10 long months. In order to deliver the most amazing stages, I have thoroughly paid attention to even lightings and sounds system, therefore I hope everyone will enjoy the concert joyfully.”

In addition, during 4 hours, Park Hyo Shin ran to every corner of the stage but still performed a live performance tirelessly with solid strength, thereby leading the show flawlessly and affirming the potential of a singer with 20 years in the profession.

Park Hyo Shin said, “In a world where the emotional expressions in relationships between people are becoming increasingly rare, hopefully everyone will express a bit warmer emotions. I also want to bring that story and feelings into my new album.” The singer also expressed his thoughts on the new song “Lovers”, “I want to bring happiness to everyone by doing what I can do best, singing like today. The song ‘Lovers’ is also like that.”

In this concert, Park Hyo Shin released for the first time the live stages of songs that have been newly released after the concert in 2016. The male singer responded to the fans’ expectations when performing first live performances of “Lovers”, “Sound of Winter”, “The Other Day”, “Wind’s Blowing”, “Goodbye”.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his debut, Park Hyo Shin expressed his appreciation for fans who have always supported him, “Thank you for giving me many memories and love for the last 20 years.” The male singer also performed touching live performances of “Snow Flower”, “Wild Flower” – hit songs that are like gems – and said that those were “songs that brought great affection in my life”.

Park Hyo Shin also gave the audience present at the concert a gift of unexpected songs. He received a hearty response from the fans when performing for the first time the two unpublished songs “Alice” and “V”, thereby heightening the anticipation for full album vol.8.

Park Hyo Shin also did not forget to thank fans who came to see the concert, “Thank you for coming here after waiting for 3 years since the concert “I AM A DREAMER”. I realized that the ‘stage’ here is where I should return to.”

On the other hand, Park Hyo Shin will meet 110,000 fans through the solo concert “Park Hyo Shin LIVE 2019 LOVERS: where is your love?” taking place during about 3 weeks until July 13.

Xports News = Reporter Kim Ye Eun /seon@osen.co.kr

Photo = dpdms1291@xportsnews.com

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Park Hyo Shin reveals surprise new single ‘Lover’, presented ‘Alice’ & ‘V’ to fans

Singer Park Hyo Shin (38) released his new single ‘Lovers’ just before the concert today. According to his agency Glove Entertainment, Park Hyo Shin released his new single ‘Lovers’ sound recording at 6 pm on the 29th.

It is a rock style song with Park Hyo Shin’s answer to loneliness and solitude. Glove representative said, “It’s a surprise gift from Park Hyo Shin to his fans just before the befiginning of his solo concert starting today (29th).”

“This new song is a response to loneliness and solitude that I talked about in previous songs. I sing “accept and love”. I wanted to say “Rather than saying that we’re not lonely when we’re together, we should say we are not alone when we are lonely together”, said Park Hyo Shin of the new single “Lovers”.

The lyrics of the song, which focused on the interaction of the relationship “Lovers” were completed by lyricist Kim Eana and Park Hyo Shin. He explained that he tried to express the emotion of dawn with minimal words and expressions without colourful modifiers.

Glove representative added, “The dreamy piano of Jung Jae-il resembles the excitement of dawn. The electric guitar sound of the second half expresses a new joy that comes out of the relationship”.

While ‘Lover’s release was official, Park Hyo Shin gifted 2 more songs – ‘Alice’ & ‘V’ to the lucky fans to hear at the Olympic Park venue.

Park Hyo Shin with a spectacular performance and 360 degrees LED stage

Singer Park Hyo Shin expressed his emotion through a live broadcast that filled the huge scale.

Park Hyo Shin is conducting a solo concert ‘Live 2019 LOVERS: Where is your love?’ at KSPO DOME in Songpa-gu, Seoul from June 29th to July 13th. As it did three years ago, the venue was used 360 degrees, as well as a new concept and a very large-scale production of performances by live sessions and orchestras on stage.

In this ‘Live 2019 LOVERS: Where is your love?’ concert, Park Hyo Shin invites a total of 110,000 viewers. This made him the first solo singer in Korea to collect so crowded audience with one performance in the history of the Olympic Arena. In order to respond to the great expectations, Park Hyo Shin gave a total of 3 hours and 30 minutes of live music.

Jung Jae Il played the piano and guitar and the spectacular lineup has increased the perfection of the performance, with Chung Dong-hwan participating on keyboard.

Here, Park Hyo Shin said, “We are using all LEDs in Korea”, and gave us fun to watch the electronic display board filled with the floor, walls and ceilings of the stage. The electronic display was used for artistic painting or scene production, going beyond simply closing up Park Hyo Shin’s face.

It took a total of 10 months to prepare for the performance. From light and sound prepared in the largest volume in Korea to remote-controlled LED bracelets divided into all audiences, there was a lot of elements that could only be found in the Park Hyo Shin’s concert. Live sessions and orchestras stood alongside the musical instruments on the stage, also showed the vibrancy of Park Hyo Shin moving to the stage during the performance.

The talk began in an hour following the songs “Lovers”, “Shine Your Light”, “Wonderland”, “Happy Together”, “Star Time” and “I’m Your Friend.”

Park Hyo Shin said, “Three years ago at the time of ‘I am a dreamer’ concert I wished someone to grab my hand, and to have more hands to hold today I planned a concert called ‘Lovers’. The answer to the “Lovers” song which we all sang together earlier, is that the “Lovers” that I’m looking for is my audience, that is now in front of me. When I met the audience in person, I think I can see what I dreamed for the last 10 months”.

Park Hyo Shin, who was overly modest, quivered, saying, “It’s my first performance in three years, and I’m still awkward to have fun in front of you. You guys are more shiny than these bracelets. For this concert, I thought about how to see as many of you as possible in 360 degrees stage,” he said, expressing his extraordinary love for fans. The audience responded with twinkling cheers like stars in the night sky.

This year’s ‘2019 Lovers’ project is the way Park Hyo Shin chose to celebrate his 20th anniversary. He is preparing for a fan meeting in addition to the concert, and has released three new songs – ‘The Wind is Blowing’ in March, ‘Goodbye’ in May and ‘Lovers’ – released on the day of the first concert performance. Park Hyo Shin has been walking for the last 20 years and has been impressed by the audience, saying, “I am grateful for the love and good memory.”

20 years… Park Hyo Shin

When he appeared in the music scene at the age of 18, he was said to be a complete vocalist. It was a compliment, but on the other hand, there was no chance of further development. But Park Hyo Shin, 38, has not been satisfied with his natural talent and has continued to innovate over the past two decades. Between his debut song “Things I can not do for you” and “The Wild flower” released in 2014, there is a change in the genre that may be called another singer. It is the key to expanding the fan base of every album.

Cloudy crowds gathered at the solo concert “Park Hyo-shin Live 2019 Lovers: Where is your love?” at Olympic Gymnastics Stadium in Songpa-gu, Seoul, on June 29th. The concert, which will be held six times over the three-week period, sold out 110,000 tickets early. According to his agency Glove Entertainment, the domestic solo singer is the most crowded audience gathered at a solo concert in the Olympic Gymnastics Stadium.

At this year’s concert, Park Hyo Shin proved himself as a “comprehensive artist” with his work as a creative director. Moving stage and laser device show off their technological prowess, but most of all, fairy tale production was brilliant. When calling the Castle of Zoltar, Park Hyo Shin even showed off his heated acting skills by kneeling and making wishes on a giant sculpture depicting Zoltar (a wizard in the box that appears in the movie “Big” and fulfilling Tom Hanks’ wish).

It has also evolved one step further with the way he sings. In the early days, Park Hyo-shin gave a heavy impression with a double-bass tone, but it was also pointed out that the delivery of the lyrics was not good or rather burdensome. Starting with “Snow Flower” in 2004 and finished the circle, giving it a pop-friendly voice and perfect delivery of lyrics in “Wild flower” in 2014. As a result, some fans expressed their longing for the former heart scratching voice, and the concert was successful in creating the husky voice and interface of the past.

He gave a four-hour repertoire, including his new song “Lovers”. “These days, it’s uncomfortable to express emotions between people. Friends, lovers and families are here today, and I think it’s all a “Lovers”. I hope we can give each other happiness”, said Park Hyo Shin in his greating to audience.