141215 [TVREPORT] Park Hyo Shin’s Gift and Sincereness of 15 years


A high school student who just wanted to sing became a singer leading 10 thousand audiences after 15 years. There were hard times in that time. But he couldn’t give up music, being a singer because of love. He handed over every hearts he have been received as a gift. With 15 years of time, his sincereness echoed through the stage.

On 12th and 13th, Park Hyo Shin 15th Anniversary Live Tour was held at Gymnastics Gymnasium in Olympic Park, Seoul. Park Hyo Shin led the concert with the title ‘NO MATTER HOW THEY ROLL THE DICE, WE WILL BE HAPPY TOGETHER’


He filled 210 minutes with 30 of his songs and musical numbers. For his concert, he divided it into 3 big themes. The stage of ‘His passion’, the stage of his musical experiences with the musical ‘Elisabeth’ and ‘Mozart!’, and the stage of ‘Repertoire of his hits’.

◆ Audience got excited with him singing

Park Hyo Shin started the concert with his recently released single ‘HAPPY TOGETHER’ and played on the audience with rhythmical songs like ‘HAPPY’, ‘LOVE LOVE LOVE’, and ‘It’s gonna be rolling’. Thanks to the LED bracelet the singer presented to the audience, the concert hall soon got hotter and hotter.


The LED bracelet was controlled(color change and lights out effect) by the center system along with the performance. The entire hall was a spectacular sight with the same colors of the LED bracelets. Colors changed instantly with Park Hyo Shin’s voice and that made the audience cheer louder.

He said that “How do you like the gift? I was very concerned how to repay for  fans’ love so I decided to make the bracelets. The bracelets are very expensive which is equivalent to one-time concert budget” And he laughed saying “This is a first time in Korean concert history and I was worried a little bit but this is really great. I can control the color of the bracelets and I insisted on using the bracelet even if it is too expensive because I wanted to know what it feels like to control 10 thousand people.”

◆Audience falls with his enthusiastic performances


From the start, the concert hinted unusual composition. Musical actor’s came up to the stage and told the audience that they can get ‘happiness’ from Park Hyo Shin. New chapter started and with the musical set appearing, highlights of the musical ‘Elisabeth’ and ‘Mozart!’ staring Park Hyo Shin as a leading role was unfolded.
Singer Park Hyo Shin was into Der Tod(Death) of ‘Elisabeth’ and Mozart of ‘Mozart!’. He flew across the stage. It was a moment everyone was fascinated by his acting.
All his activities through out the past year was shown on the stage. Musical was performed but there was also ‘singer Park Hyo Shin’. Every time when a musical number(‘The last dance’, ‘When I want to dance’ from ‘Elisabeth’ and ‘We can know each other when we love’, ‘I am I am Music’ from ‘Mozart!’) ended, the audience couldn’t stop applauding.


Park Hyo Shin thanks, the audience moved

Park Hyo Shin selected  ‘Wild Flower’ and ‘HAPPY TOGETHER’ as well as his other hit songs which he never performed live before even though the two songs were already released. He also sang ‘Shine your light ‘, one of the songs from his 7th album which is currently prepared for the release next year. It was his sincere heart he wanted to share with his fans.

He said, “Today we gathered here to become happy. I’m happy because you let me be a singer. Gymnastics gymnasium is the biggest indoor concert hall in the country but I heard the tickets were all sold out and even I couldn’t get a ticket. I really appreciate for your supports.”


And also “I had a hard time the past year but I could be happy because of you. This is 15th year since I became singer but many people don’t know that I’ve been a singer for that long time. It’s been quite a long time since I became a singer but my appearance doesn’t seems to be an old singer. I’m not saying I’m good-looking but I mean I look younger than my age. I even heard some elementary school students think I debuted with the song ‘Wild Flower’. But I totally understand them.”
“I’m really happy at this moment. Last year felt weird for me because I didn’t have a concert. This year is very happy time for me.” “Since 15 years ago when I was dreaming of becoming a singer and till now doing concert at this huge hall I can not appreciate more. It was harder than I thought becoming a singer and sometimes I even had fears whether should I pursuit this way or not.”

And lastly he said, “If it were not for you, I would have become a grown-up who just likes to sing. But as a singer Park Hyo Shin I can be here happily. Of course you guys made this place for me. I want to sing now and forever and may be it’s still a little bit far story, but I’ll sing in front of you as long as time allows.”

Starting with Seoul, Park Hyo Shin’s nationwide tour will be held on December 20th at Yeomju Gymnasium, Gwang-ju, 24th at Sajik Gymnasium, Busan, 27th at Daegu EXCO, and 31th at Samsan World Gymnasium, Incheon.

Reporter 김예나  yeah@tvreport.co.kr/Photos=Jelly-fish Ent.

English Translatoin:haeuntree@PHS’SPLANET

Source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=213&aid=0000599051