Park Hyo Shin last military interview

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홍보지원대에서 활약한 박효신 병장이 곧 전역합니다.

국방부 블로그 <동고동락>에서는 박효신 병장과 전역전 마지막 인터뷰를 기획하고 있는데요. SNS를 통해 네티즌 여러분들의 질문을 받습니다. (상세내용 이미지 참조)

질문이 선정된 분께는 박효신 사인CD를 선물로 드립니다. 페친 여러분들의 많은 참여 부탁드려요.

*** 댓글로 응모하세요***

PHS’s discharge date is coming up soon, so please ask any questions regarding his military life. PHS will answer five chosen questions.

To ask, post questions in department of defense blog; department of defense me2day, facebook; send a message (not a mention) to department of defense twitter.

This is from September 11 to 16.

The five chosen ones will be given a signed CD that will include PHS’s military works (“A Great Man”, “Azure Tree”). The 30 other chosen ones will be given a gift certificate to GS 25 (a convenience store in Korea).

The questions chosen will be presented on September 20th at the department of defense blog.

PHS’s interview will be shown through video.

translation: hkim0713