Park Hyo Shin’s awards

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Park Hyo-shin gets not just one, but two military awards.

On an episode of “Night of TV Entertainment,” singer Park Hyo-shin revealed that he became the first soldier in the last six years to be given the Army Chief of Staff’s award and the Minister of National Defense Award.
Park said that he was presented with the two certificates doing what he does best: entertaining.
The celebrity soldier who was discharged just days ago said that in order to land the awards he sang his hit song “Snow Flower” for his superiors and even took to making up dance moves to his song “Passing Over Me.”
The choreography became a hit within the barracks and in all, Park spent 22-months amusing and boasting the morale of his fellow soldiers.
Meanwhile, Park’s first performance after being released will be at the “In October” concert on Oct. 14.
By Carla Sunwoo []

CopyrightsⓒKorea JoongAng Daily, All rights reserved.

2012 in October Emitonal Park Festival

Date : Saturday, October 13-14, 2012

Place : Nanji Han River Park

Tickets : 1 day pass- 110,000 won (88,000 won for discounted price)
2-day pass- 165,000 won (154,000 won for discounted price)

The best of the best in terms of expressing depth and emotions through music. That’s what you can expect at the Emotional Park Festival this year.
The month of October is one that’s right in the heart of the season of fall. Enjoy great fall-appropriate music to move you. The lineup will include Brown Eyed Soul, Dynamic Duo & Simon D, 4men, and Seo In-gook on the first day. Enjoy performances by Leessang & Jung-in, K.Will, Heogak, Juniel, etc. on the second day.

cr: KBSworld

120922 Park Hyo Shin answer fan’s questions

Here is the story of Park Hyoshin the sergeant, not the singer…

Sergeant Park Hyoshin earned many nicknames including ‘Earnest Park,’ and ‘Live Park’ while serving at DEMA.

The blog keeper met with Sergeant Park Hyoshin who will be discharged on September 24 and asked him about his military life and the questions his fans wanted to ask.

Keep your curser here!!

I first asked about Sergeant Park Hyoshin’s military life.
(I kept it brief because I thought it would be better to ask him more questions his fans asked~ ^ ^)

O You’re about to be discharged. Many things happened to you while you were in the military. How do you feel right now?

I thought I’d feel really happy when I got discharged. I didn’t believe the others who said they didn’t feel all that happy when they got discharged, but now that I am being discharged, I feel like if I’m leaving home. I also have lots of thoughts about what to do in the future.

O Whenever soldiers go on vacation, their families treat them differently. Some say, especially towards the end, ‘how come they give you so many vacation days?’ Did the same thing happen to you, too? Did you see any changes in your mother whenever you went home on vacation?

I heard about that (laugh). But in my case, my mother was always the same. I was rather busy during my vacations, and sometimes things just came up, so I didn’t get to spend that much time with my mother. My mother was extremely caring every time I went home.

(Sergeant Park Hyoshin’s voice filled with love when he said ‘mother.’ I could see how much love he has for her.)

O (Doing research for this interview) I found out that you made your fans very happy by posting twitter messages and pictures when you were out on vacation. You made many soldiers very happy whenever you performed at Consolation Train. Do you have a secret weapon or a special trick you use to make others happy?

I don’t really have any special trick or secret weapon. I think the most important thing is to “communicate with fellow soldiers, with my comrades.” So I did my best and poured my heart into it. I performed thinking I must put up the best performance possible, wherever I am.
To be honest, soldiers don’t get many chances to attend Consolation Train. I’m not sure how the soldiers who watched me perform remember my performances, but I did my best because I thought by giving them a great performance, it might give them a nice memory to look back on and give them strength.

And my comrades… I actually felt more strength from the soldiers than they did from me, which I am very grateful. I went to perform for them, but instead of giving them strength, I got it from them. I sometimes felt like I didn’t know what I was doing, but being on the stage and seeing the soldiers gave me the answers I needed.

(Watching Sergeant Park Hyoshin say he was never negligent or careless whenever he performed despite the fact he was never once paid for performing in the military, I realized he is a true professional. I feel very sad that I won’t get to see him perform at Consolation Train anymore… ㅠ.ㅠ)

O There were articles about your military life. They said “Park Hyoshin = Macho.” Are you happy with that transformation? And what changed after your military service?

I am happy. ^^;;; The image of the army is manly and powerful, and, although I didn’t act on that, whenever I put on the military uniform I felt responsible. I was performing, but things like that (responsibility) were always in my heart. And I think that was a good thing for me. People around me told me that I used to be meticulous and careful but now I am easy-going.

(Now that he is macho and easy-going, he will be more charming and amazing! ^^)

O What was the best thing about serving in DEMA?
There were many, but most of all, it was meeting the other members. The ones who already got discharged and the ones I am leaving behind. They are very valuable. They are like my family.
And I’ve done a lot of things serving in DEMA, and I am very thankful for that. I did some really amazing things, including performing in the U.S.
I used to sell tickets and perform for those who bought the tickets…
But being able to sing for the people who made sacrifices for the country… It was something that I had never imagined… And I think it was possible because I am a soldier.

(It felt like this question brought back those memories for him. I’m sure those who attended the performance were as happy as Sergeant Park Hyoshin was.)
O Finally, fill in the blank. “Military for me is _____.”

“Military for me is my second life.”
I imagined about it (the military) a lot and heard stories. But when I started my military service, nothing I had imagined or heard from others helped me. It was a process of me experiencing it for myself and learning from it. I actually did something that is similar to what I was doing before, but it wasn’t an extension. It was like an entirely different life.
But what was good was that because I was able to live such a different life, it will help me in the future when I got back to being a civilian.


Next segment is for answering questions you left.

(Sergeant Park Hyoshin picked the questions himself.)

Let’s find out which questions were chosen and what Sergeant Park Hyoshin’s answers were!
1. (Saying he/she was very happy because he/she was able to see Hyoshin perform more than ever, since his debut) Many people said you are a born soldier. Any plans of becoming a professional soldier?

I don’t like this question. ^^;; I did ponder on it (but not very seriously… ㅜ.ㅜ) because I wanted to stay with the other members. But I don’t think I am a born soldier. I shouldn’t have picked this question. Haha.

2. What did your mother cook for you when you came home on vacation? When was the happiest moment of your military life?

I think she cooked all of my favorite foods in order. One by one… I’m not a picky eater, and I love everything my mother makes, and when I went home on vacation, for example, if I went home for three days, she cooked different dishes for three days and fed me full course meals.(What was the dish she cooked for you on your first vacation?) My mother makes kick-ass Galbi-jjim (short-rib stew), (and I really wanted to eat that) and she made that for me.
The happiest moment of my military life was… Oh! There were many moments… But if I had to pick just one, I was performing at Consolation Train on my birthday, and the team threw a surprise birthday party for me on the stage. The soldiers in the audience sang me ‘Happy Birthday.’ It felt different. Before that, women fans sang me ‘Happy Birthday,’ but hearing the soldiers sing it, it felt different.

3. You received 3~4 awards. What were they? And how did it feel to receive a commendation from the Ministry of National Defense?

I received many awards, and it was kind of embarrassing… I did what I was supposed to do as a soldier… I am very grateful for that. I received over 20 awards and commendations, and among them are the Minister of Health and Welfare Award, the Army Chief of Staff Award, appreciation plaques… And recently, I received the Minister of National Defense Award. It wasn’t a secret, but I kept it quiet because it wasn’t really me who received that award. It was the entire team, but I received it as a representative of the team. But still, I was very happy. I thought I worked really hard, and it was like they knew about it. I felt appreciated.

(Which one was the best one?) ^^ It was the Minister of National Defense Award. I heard I was the first soldier to receive such an award, and it’s not an easy award to get. I felt like I must have worked really hard.

4. When did you experience strong ‘comradeship?’ What do you plan on doing on the night before your discharge?

The word ‘comrade’ isn’t a word that should be taken lightly. I believe the word binds people together when you use it, even if they have never met before. I felt it whenever I was on the stage. I felt it on the stage, even if I didn’t speak with the soldiers, and I felt it with my team members.
(The most memorable ‘comradeship’ moment with the DEMA members was?) There was one time when I was in a very tough situation, and the DEMA members and those who got discharged already called me and gave me strength. I felt it back then.

(What do you do on the night before the discharge?) We get together and talk.
(Which of your lower ranking soldiers do you want to talk to the most?) We’ve been talking a lot already… We’re the same age, but Private Kang Changmo, we talked a lot. I don’t think I’ll have anything special to say to him.

(Don’t you ‘mopomari’ (it’s some sort of hazing which involves wrapping up the person who is going to be discharged in a blanket (mopo in Korean) and beating him senseless. I had to google it to find out. Appalling.)?) You shouldn’t do that. You’re not supposed to do that. ^^;;

5. Who was the person who answered your calls the most? Who came to visit you the most?(Outside my mother and fans? ^^) Nobody, then. ^^ I had no time to call anyone. Like any other soldiers, I had a pretty tight schedule every day. My friends came to visit me in the beginning, the people from my agency and my parents came… But after that, because I was so busy, they couldn’t come. Even if they planned on visiting me on a weekend, I was often called to do something, so they couldn’t.
(So was it your mother who visited you and called you the most?) Yes. It was my mother. She couldn’t come when I was in the boot camp, but when I got transferred to DEMA, she came to visit me, and she brought lots of food for me and the other members.

He picked five questions and answered them, as I announced before. But Sergeant Park Hyoshin begged me to let him pick more questions, so I said yes. ^^;;;

6. (Extra question no. 1) Was there a present one of the other members received that you wanted for yourself? For example, carp soup?
I did not want anything like carp soup. My fans sent me lots of healthy stuff. Next question!

(He was very grateful that his fans took such great care of him!)

7. (Extra question no. 2) You became younger and more amazing after you joined the military. How did you take care of your skin?

I think I look younger because my hair got shorter. I don’t have any special secrets. I was actually in a tough environment, and I think maintaining a positive mindset helped. But my fans sent me special facial masks, so I used them with the other members whenever I had to perform, and that I think improved my skin.

8. (Extra question no. 3) I heard one man yelled “Take me!!!” out of excitement during one of your Consolation Train performances. How did you feel to hear that?

It wasn’t easy ^^.. But I couldn’t say yes. (I’m joking.) I was grateful. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman. Expressing your feelings is difficult, so I felt really great. It was very moving.
(Do the soldiers and your fans react differently?)

What I share with my fans can’t be expressed with words. They are very special to me in a different way. Being comrades, it feels different. It’s the best.

Questions 1~4 Video Clip
Questions 5~8 Video Clip

Did you enjoy the videos? Preparing for this interview, I thought the fans of Park Hyoshin are very similar to Park Hyoshin himself. He may not be colorful, but he is very stylish. And just like him, I thought his fans are beautiful because they showed great manners in sending their questions and waiting for their questions to be chosen. I think the support from these fans enabled Sergeant Park Hyoshin to finish his military service in such success.

I hope Sergeant Park Hyoshin’s future is as bright as his smile. I hope he becomes a world star, just like Psy.
Go Sergeant Park Hyoshin!


Aren’t you curious about the signed CD?
Here it is…. Sergeant Park Hyoshin was very happy with this. ^^ (I felt very proud myself~ Haha.)

How do you like it?

The songs in the CD are listed in the back. ^^
(The winners of the CD must be very happy)

Here is the end of the interview with Sergeant Park Hyoshin…
“Take care, comrade! ^^;;;”

credits English translation: sandbox
Do Not re-post! If you want to share, please give link to this page!

120922 Park Hyo Shin answer fan’s questions

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가수 박효신이 아닌 병장 박효신의 이야기를 들어보니….

국방부 홍보지원대원으로 복무하면서 “박성실”, “라이브~박” 등 많은 애칭을 받은 박효신 병장.
9월 24일 전역예정인 박효신 병장을 동고동락지기가 직접 만나 그동안의 군생활이야기, 그리고 팬들이 궁금해하는 박효신 병장의 군 복무 이야기를 직접 들어보았습니다.
지금부터 블로그 고정!!
먼저 박효신 병장의 군생활에 대해 간단히 여쭤보았습니다.
(아무래도 팬분들의 궁금증을 많이 풀어드리는게 좋을것같아 간단하게~ ^^)
ㅇ 전역이 코앞이다. 군에 있는 동안 안팎으로 다사다난 했는데, 지금 기분이 어떤가?
전역하면 정말 기분이 좋을 줄 알았다. 선임들이 전역할때 기분이 좋지만은 않다라고 말할때.. 좀 믿기지 않았는데, 막상 제가 전역할때가 되니 집을 떠난다는 느낌도 들고, 앞으로 해야될 일 등 여러생각이 든다.
ㅇ 병사들은 휴가때마다 가족들의 대우(?)가 달라진다. 나중엔 ‘요즘 군대 왜 이렇게 휴가가 많아졌어?’라고 하는 경우도 있는데.. 박효신 병장도 그랬나? 휴가나갈때 어머니가 달라지신점이 없었나?
그런다는 애기도 듣긴 했지만 (웃음) 내 경우에는 똑같으셨던 거 같다. 휴가중에 바쁘기도 했고, 갑자기 스케줄이 생기는 경우가 있어, 어머니랑 같이 있었던 시간이 많지 않았다. 어머니는 매번 정성을 다하셨다.
(‘어머니’라는 소리만으로도 다정함이 넘치는 박효신 병장… 평소 어머님에 대한 사랑을 한눈에 알아볼 수 있었습니다. ♥)
ㅇ (인터뷰 준비하면서 보니) 최근 휴가나가서 폭풍트윗, 선물화보(?) 등으로 팬들을 감동시켰더라. 위문열차 공연때에도 매번 장병들을 감동시켰는데, 남들을 감동시키는 병장 박효신의 비법이나 강력한 무기는?
특별히 나만의 비법이나 무기가 있는것은 아니다. “전우들끼리.. 장병들끼리 마음을 주고받을 수 있다면” 그게 제일 중요하다고 생각해서 최선을… 진심을…. 다했다. 그리고 어떤 무대에서건 멋진 무대를 보여줘야되겠다는 마음으로 공연을 했다.
솔 직히 장병들의 경우 위문열차 공연을 볼 수 있는 기회가 흔치 않다. 장병들에게 어떻게 기억에 남을 지 모르지만, 정말 좋은 공연을 봤다면 ‘군생활하면서 힘도 되고 좋은 기억의 계기가 되지 않을까’해서 그런 느낌을 장병들이 받았으면 해서 열심히 했다.
그 리고 전우들…장병들 보다 내가 전우들을 보면서 얻는 고마움이 컸다. 위문열차 공연을 하러 갔지만 위문을 제가 받을 정도로 힘도 얻고, 위로받는 경우가 많았다. 간혹가다 스스로 ‘내가 여기서 뭐하고 있지’란 생각이 들때에 그것을 일깨워준 곳이 무대였고 장병들이었다.
(군에서 공연을 하면 받는 돈이 없는데도 절대로 허투로 공연을 한 적이 없었다고 답하는 박효신 병장을 보면서… ‘정말 프로구나’라는 생각이 절로 들었습니다. 앞으로 위문열차 공연에서 못 보니 아쉽네요.. ㅠ.ㅠ)
ㅇ 박효신 병장의 ‘군생활 근황’이라는 기사들이 최근 보도되었다. 내용을 보니 “박효신=남성미”가 성립된다고 하더라. 그 변화에 만족하는지, 그리고 군대에 오기전과 복무하면서 변화된 점은 무엇인지?
만 족하죠.^^;;; 군대라는 이미지가 남자답고 강인한 것인데, 그것을 생각해서 행동한것은 아니지만 저도 모르게 군복을 입으면 책임감이 느껴졌습니다. 물론 공연을 하는 것이지만 공연이었어도 그런게(책임감) 늘 가슴안에 있었던거 같습니다. 그리고 저한테는 좋은 계기가 된거 같습니다. 군 복무하면서 주변에서 들리는 말이 예전에는 꼼꼼하고 세심했는데, 털털해진거 같다고 합니다.
(남성미도 생기도, 성격도 털털해졌다고 하니 좀 더 인간적이고 멋진 가수 박효신으로 변신을 기대하셔도 좋을듯~! ^^)
ㅇ 홍보지원대원으로서 복무하면서 가장 좋았던 점은?
좋은점도 많았지만 홍보지원대원들을 만난 것이 가장 감사한 일인 것 같습니다. 먼저 보낸 선임들, 후임들… 또 다른 재산이죠.. 가족이라고 생각할만큼 그렇게 되었습니다.
그리고 홍보지원대원으로 복무하면서 지금까지 정말 많은 일을 했는데, 개인적으로 감사한일인 거 같습니다. 미국공연을 비롯해 어마어마한 일들을 많이 했습니다.
예전에는 티켓을 팔아서 그 티켓을 사신분들에게 공연을 했는데,,,,,
나라를 위해 헌신하시고 공로를 하신 분들을 위해 노래를 부를 수 있다는게… 상상도 못했던 일이고… 군인이기에 가능한 경험이라고 생각합니다.
(인터뷰하면서 그 당시 좋았던 감정이 되살아 난 듯~ 박효신 병장뿐만 아니라 그 공연에 참석하신 참전용사, 국가유공자 분들도 아주 좋은마음으로 공연을 감상하셨겠지요.)
ㅇ 마지막으로 “군대는 나에게 이다.”라는 말을 채운다면?
< 박효신 병장의 친필! >
(군 대에 대해) 상상도 많이 했고, 얘기도 많이 들었습니다. 그런데 막상 군대 와보니 상상도, 얘기도 필요없이 제가 직접 느끼고, 느낀 바를 충실히 하면서 보람도 쌓아가는 과정이었습니다. (제 경우) 군대 들어오기 전에 했던 일과 비슷한 맥락이긴 하지만 연장선상은 아니고 아예 다른 인생을 살았던 거 같습니다.
대신에 좋은 계기가 되었다고 생각되는 것은 너무 다른 인생을 살아봐서 사회생활을 할때 좀 더 많은 도움이 될거 같습니다.
이제부터는 여러분이 댓글이나 쪽지로 남겨주신 궁금증을 풀어드리는 순서입니다.
(질문선택은 박효신 병장이 직접하였습니다.)
무슨 질문이 선택되었으며, 박효신 병장의 대답은 어떠했는지 자 같이 보시죠…!
< 어떤 질문지를 선택할지 꼼꼼히 고르는 박효신 병장 >
1. (효신님 팬들은 데뷔이래 가장 활동을 많이 볼 수 있어 좋았다며) 군대체질이라는 말이 많았는데, 말뚝 박으실 의사는 없으신지? (동고동락 하늘다래님)
안좋은 질문이네요.. ^^;; 중간에 고민은 했지만 (진지하게 생각은 안했고…ㅜ.ㅜ) 대원들과 같이 있고 싶어서요.. 하지만 군대체질은 아닌거 같습니다. 질문을 괜히 뽑았네요..ㅋㅋ
2. 휴가나왔을 때, 어머님이 해주신 음식은 무엇인지.. 군 복무 중 가장 감동받았던 순간은?
제가 좋아했던 음식들을 순서대로 해주셨던 거 같습니다. 하나씩.. 제가 음식은 안가리고 어머니가 해주시는 음식은 다 좋아하는데, 3일을 나가면 3일동안 음식을 준비해주셔서 코스로~ 먹었습니다.
(첫 휴가때 해주신 음식은?) 어머니가 갈비찜을 잘하시는데, (갈비찜 정말 먹고 싶었었거든요.) 그거 해주셨습니다.
가장 감동받았던 순간은… 아! 군 복무하면서 정말 많은데….. 그 중에서 뽑으라면 제 생일날 위문열차 공연을 했는데, 저 모르게 위문열차팀에서 무대위에 깜짝파티를 마련해주셨습니다. 그때 장병 여러분들이 저를 위해 생일축하 노래를 해주셨어요. 그때 다르더라구요. 그전에는 여자 팬분들이 해주셨는데, 장병 여러분들이 해주시는 느낌은 다르더라구요.
3. 입대 후 3~4번 상을 받으신걸로 아는데, 어떤 표창을 받으셨는지, 그리고 최근 국방부에서 표창을 받은 소감은? (동고동락 창진IN)
상 을 많이 주셔서 챙피하기도 하고… 군인으로서 당연한 일을 했는데… 오히려 제가 감사한 일인거 같습니다. 다 해서는 20개가 넘는데,,, 그중에서도 큰 상은 보건복지부 장관상, 육군참모총장님상, 감사패.. 얼마전에는 국방부장관님상을 받았습니다. (국방부장관상을 받은 것이)비밀이라기 보다는 저 혼자 잘해서 상을 탄게 아니라 대원들과 똑같이 해서 받은 거니까 대표로 받은 거라고 생각해서 조용히 있었습니다. 그래도 기뻤죠. 나름대로 군생활을 열심히 했는데, 알아주시니 고생한 마음이 눈 녹듯이 녹았습니다.
(그 중에서 가장 좋은 상은?) ^^ 국방부장관님상 입니다. 병사로서 처음이라고 들었고, 쉽게 받지 못하는 상을 주셔서.. 알게 모르게 내가 열심히 했구나 하는 생각이 들었습니다.
4. 진한 ‘전우애’를 느낀 경험은?, 전역 전날밤 마지막으로 어떤 일을 하실 건가요?
‘전우’라는 말이 생각보다 가볍지 않다고 생각합니다. 저도 쓰다보니 ‘전우’라는 말 한마디가 서로 얼굴을 처음 봤어도 쉽지 않은 끈처럼 느껴지게 하는 큰 단어라고 생각합니다. 무대에 올라가서 늘 느꼈던거 같습니다. 무대위에서 대화를 안나눠도 장병들과 느꼈고, 대원들과도 느꼈던거 같습니다.
(가장 기억에 남는 홍보지원대원들과의 전우애 경험은?) 특히 제가 정말 힘든일을 겪은적이 있는데, 홍보지원대원들 뿐만 아니라 전역한 분들까지 전화주시고, 힘을 주셔서 그때 많이 느꼈던거 같습니다.
(전역 전날맘 마지막으로 하는 일은?) 모여서 얼굴도 보고 좋은 말도 나누고 합니다.
(특별히 누구에게 애기해주고 싶은 후임은?) 그동안 얘기를 많이 해서.. 나이는 같아도 후임으로 들어온 강창모 일병과 얘기도 많이 해서… 특별히 마지막날이라고 할말은 없을거 같습니다.
(모포말이는 안하는지?) 그런건 안해야죠. 그런건 안하는 겁니다. ^^;;
5. 복무 중 박효신 병장의 전화를 가장 잘 받아 준 사람, 면회를 가장 많이 와준 사람은 누구?
(어머니나 팬들은 제외? ^^) 그럼 없습니다.^^ 전화할 시간이 없었습니다. 다른 병사들과 마찬가지로 군에서 하루일과로 빠듯하니까… 면회도 처음에는 친구들도 왔었고, 회사식구들, 부모님이 오셨는데… 이후에는 (제가) 바빠져서 거의 못오셨습니다. 이번 주말에 면회약속을 잡아도 스케줄이 생겨서 못했습니다.
(그럼 어머니가 가장 많이 전화와 면회를 하셨나요?) 네. 역시 어머니가 가장 많이 하셨습니다. 훈련병 시절에는 아예 면회를 못오셨고, 국방부 근무지원단으로 전속되면서 면회를 오셨는데 대원들과 같이 먹을거 많이 싸오셨습니다.
이제 예고된 바와 같이 다섯개의 질문지 선택이 완료되었었죠… 하지만 박효신 병장이 팬들의 정성이 가득담긴 질문지를 더 선택하면 안되냐고 간곡히 부탁해 동고동락지기도 호응^^;;;
< 팬들의 질문지를 더 선택하면 안되냐고 묻는 박효신 병장 >
6. (추가1) 군에 있을 때, 다른 병사들이 받은 선물 중 가장 탐났던 물건은? 예를들어 붕어즙?
붕어즙 그런건 전혀 탐이 안났습니다. 팬분들이 건강한거 챙겨주셔서… 다른질문 하죠~!
(워낙 팬들이 알뜰살뜰 챙겨주셨다며….. 팬분들에게 고마움을 표하는 모습이 역력!)
7. (추가2) 군대간 후 훨씬 젊어지시고 멋있어 지셨는데, 군대에서 꿀 피부 관리 비결은?
머 리가 짧아지니까 어려보여서? 특별하게 비법은 없습니다. 오히려 안좋은 환경에서 더 힘들게 있었는데, 그냥 좋은 생각이 도움이 됐던거 같습니다. 그래도 팬분들이 팩을 챙겨주셔서 스케줄 있는 전날은 대원들과 같이 팩붙이고 (피부가 더 좋아져서) 그랬던거 같습니다.
(박소영님! 인터뷰 선택해드렸으니 꼭 약속 지키셔야 합니다.. ㅎㅎ )
8. (추가3) 위문열차 공연중 어떤 남성분이 흥분하셔서 “날가져!!!!”라고 외치셨다는데, 어떤느낌이 드셨는지?
< 질문을 보자마자 빵~ 터진 박효신 병장 >
쉽진않죠^^.. 그렇다고 갖는다는 말은 함부로 못하고 (농담이구요) 고맙죠.. 남자건 여자건 표현하는게 어려운데, 기분은 너무 좋아요. 정말 감동이었습니다.
(병사와 팬의 반응 차이는?) 팬으로서 공감대는 저에게 말로 표현할 수 없죠. 저한테 너무 다른 이유로 너무 고마운 사람들입니다. 전우라는 관계때문에 정말 다르게 좋은거 같습니다. 최고인거 같습니다.
잘 보셨나요? 동고동락지기는 이번 인터뷰 준비를 하면서 박효신 팬들이 박효신을 많이 닮았다는 생각을 했습니다. 화려하진 않지만 멋스러움이 살아있는 박효신 병장같이 팬 모두가 질문을 보내고 뽑히기를 조용히 기다리는 모습에서 팬들의 아름다운 내조(?)를 느꼈다고 할까요?
이러한 팬들의 뒷받침에 박효신 병장이 더욱 더 열심히 군 복무를 할 수 있었다고 생각해봅니다.
< 오랜 인터뷰로 지쳤을텐데, 내내 밝은 표정으로 응해준 박효신 병장 >
환하게 웃는 박효신 병장의 미소처럼 앞으로도 탄탄대로를 걷는… 싸이처럼 세계적인 스타가 되길 기대해 봅니다. 박효신 병장! 화이팅!
박효신 병장의 싸인이 들어간 CD 궁금하시지 않으신가요?
드뎌 공개합니다….. 박효신 병장도 마음에 들어하였지요.. ^^
여러분은 어떠신가요?
< 군가보다 CD >
CD에 수록된 곡은 보시는 바와 같아요.. ^^
(CD받으시는 분들 정말 좋으시겠어요)
박효신 병장과의 인터뷰를 마치며….
“전우야~ 잘가! ^^;;;”

cr: MND

120921 Last Dema interview


Interview with the military flower, Sergeant Park Hyoshin, 3 days before his discharge

Working at DEMA, I do interviews with the soldiers whenever they get promoted or get discharged, and I feel sad whenever the team members whom I have worked with get discharged one by one.

I know, of course, that they should return to the society where their fans are waiting for them, but I can’t help feeling sad.

And that goes especially for Sergeant Park Hyoshin!! He has spent every moment of his military duty, since he finished the training at the boot camp, with the DEMA Club, from when he was a private first class, a private, a corporal and now a sergeant who is about to be discharged. It almost feels like I am the father of the bride, which I mentioned to Sergeant Park. I feel so sad to see him go. He was a model soldier, and a very popular member in DEMA, and he was a superstar who turned everyone into his fan!!

The military flower, Sergeant Park!!

I shouldn’t let my feelings get involved when writing this article, but I can’t help it. *^0^*

I think I feel especially sad because he was such a model soldier.

Would you like to hear about Sergeant Park Hyoshin’s “Military Days?”

Salute!! Sergeant Park Hyoshin of DEMA, reporting the discharge on September 24!

Q. There’s only a few days left until your discharge. What have you been doing?

I am on my final vacation. I am doing the discharge interview during my final vacation, and I’m getting ready to go back to real life after spending almost 2 years in the military. I actually feel a little bit lost.

Q. You’ve done so much for the Military Broadcasting. Do you have any special memories?

I have lots. The first thing I did when I was transferred to DEMA was the TV show “I Like Culture (or Good Culture)” instead of singing, so it was a new experience and fun to do.

My main duty was Consolation Train, and I remember many soldiers’ faces. And normally, you don’t get to visit many different military bases, but doing the Consolation Train, I was able to do that. And I also played a role in the military drama “March,” but I wasn’t trying to be a great actor. I like watching them on TV or watching movies, and it was interesting for me to take part in something I like. If anyone wants to hire me as an actor, without considering the marketability or the product value, I would appreciate the opportunity. I will gladly do my best. ^^

Q. The military concert, Consolation Train!! Which performance do you remember the most?

I performed at so many Consolation Train concerts. Of all of them, I remember the Baeknyeongdo and Yeonpyeongdo concerts most of all. I saw the remains of the attack before the concert, and it broke my heart. I felt that even though we are supposed to be one country, we are so far apart. And it gave me a chance to look back at my military life because I thought the soldiers serving there probably have a more difficult job. And because of the location of Baeknyeongdo and Yeonpyeongdo, we couldn’t do the concert in the evening. Because the North can see us, we had the concert during the day. But the soldiers still loved it, and I felt really happy about that, and I still remember them.

Q. You received many awards (The Minister of National Defense Award, the Army Chief of Staff Award, etc.) during your military service. We named you as the soldier who accomplished the Grand Slam. What do you think about that?

It’s an honor. I had no idea I would receive so many awards. I received some really big awards, many appreciation plaques from various places, and commendations whenever I did a great job at the Consolation Train. I counted them while I was on vacation, and there were a little over twenty of them. I think they are the records of my military life. The awards and commendations have lines about the duties I fulfilled, and I feel very grateful because they are the records of my military life. It wasn’t because I was especially great at anything. I believe it was all in the timing. Everyone did a great job, but I was the one who received them as their representative. I feel a bit embarrassed about that, and I feel grateful for everyone who worked so hard with me. I did my best in the military, and I plan on doing my best and then some when I return to being a civilian after my discharge.

Q. This is the end, but there was the beginning. Do you remember how you felt on the first day at the boot camp?

It just felt unreal. I think I couldn’t accept the reality. I was something I could only imagine about because there was nowhere else I could experience it, so I just imagined it from listening to other people’s stories, but when I got there, it was didn’t feel real. I was in the 102 Replacement Depot, but I don’t think I was able to sleep at all when I was there. I didn’t know how the first week passed by, and I was afraid. I was confident at first. Others were all much younger than me, so I thought, as a man who is older than them, I thought I should do a better job. But I’m sure everyone felt the same because it was their first time, too. I remember being really scared.

Q. Is there a particular food item that you never used to eat before that you grew to love after becoming a soldier?

I’m not a picky eater. But if I have to pick, I would say fruits you peel the skin to eat. I used to always peel the skin off pears, tangerines and persimmons. But during training, I was given persimmons and pears. I wanted to eat them, but I didn’t have a knife to peel them. So I put them in my pocket for later, but I got so hungry later that I took them out and ate them, the skin and all. I think that was the last trace of me as a civilian that I lost after joining the military. I no longer felt that I had to peel the skin off fruit since then. At that time, though, I thought it was more delicious, and I remember it the most.

Q. Boot camp is special for everyone. Is there any special training you remember most?

I remember every one of them. CBR training was done in groups, and everyone in your group must succeed in order to escape from the room. I did a good job. ^^ If the teamwork isn’t good, you have to keep doing it, and one of my team member didn’t do so well, so we had to go back in. And we had to do it again and again. So I remember the CBR training. Another one is the individual combat training. The time I had it was the coldest day in 80 years, so the sea was frozen. I had to put up a tent and sleep outdoors. I was sleeping in my sleeping bag with only my face sticking out, which was extremely difficult, but I had to go to the bathroom. It was so cold that I thought about it for 2 hours before dragging myself out of the sleeping bag to go. I got chilblains, but the others were doing such a great job that I couldn’t even bring it up. I felt I had to do a good job because I was older than them, and I ended up getting chilblains. I remember things like that.

Q. Snow Flower is one of your most famous songs. Did you feel differently about the song after clearing snow from the roads?

I really love the snow. When I was in the boot camp, the officer said I would soon learn about the terror of the thing called snow, and I laughed. I thought it would be nice to train in the snow. But that wasn’t true. I had to clear the snow with my two hands, and it was so hard. I have a feeling I’ll remember that when I sing Snow Flower in the future.

Q. What changed in you as your rank changed?

I was really happy when I was able to relax. As my rank got higher, I didn’t have to keep worrying about my military life. I was able to plan things, and I was able to think about my future, and it became fun. The biggest thing is that I was no longer the lowest in rank. Before me, reserve sergeant Lee Sunho, Andy, was another one who didn’t have a lower ranking soldier under him for a very long time. So I was the lowest ranking soldier for a very long time, and I had to do a lot of cleaning, and I had to get up earlier than the higher ranking soldiers, and I kept feeling the pressure of having to do things like that on top of all my personal duties, but when I was finally able to pass that onto a lower ranking soldier, things changed a lot.

Q. Who gave you strength to go on during the difficult times?

Being in the military was something that I had never experienced before. I have family, friends, the people that I consider special, and the people I like, but the feelings I have for the DEMA team are different. I feel so grateful for that that it is difficult to pick just one person, but reserve sergeant Lee Donggun who slept next to me the longest and gave me words of encouragement and check on me and held my hand whenever I was having difficulties. That helped me a lot. And reserve sergeant Jung Jaeil. Jaeil looked after me when I got really sick a little after I was transferred. I was in the hospital with a fever of 40 degrees Celsius, and he was by my side, taking care of me. I could never forget that. I still thank him when I see him.

Q. Do you have any regrets?

I have many. Before starting my military service, I had some plans. I thought of doing things that I didn’t do before, but I had to keep singing as a member of the DEMA team, so I didn’t get to do most of the things I had planned. But that’s okay. It was worthwhile, and I was proud of being able to provide comfort for soldiers, and oftentimes it was comforting for me, too. Being able to feel united under the word ‘comrades’ and all the emotions I felt with them are very special for me, so, despite the many regrets, I’m happy.

Q. Everyone who got discharged before you said they felt bad for you. What do you think about that?

I think it was because I was the lowest ranking soldier for the longest time. They helped me a lot, and because I had a lot of outside jobs, I wasn’t able to do things around the barrack, but they were very understanding and took very good care of me. I’m grateful.

Q. How do you feel when you look at the four newly transferred soldiers?

I feel a little bad because I felt what they felt. But there’s nothing they can do about that. They must feel lost. They probably can’t help feeling depressed, but they have to find something they can focus on and find consolation in. So I want to be nice to them, and I’m going to bring something delicious for them when I return from my vacation.

Q. Which person do you worry about the most?

There are so many, but I’m worried about Private First Class Kang Changmo. He is so innocent at heart that I’m worried the military life might hurt him. Corporal Jung Jihoon. He is always so full of energy that I’m not very worried about him. Corporal Lee Jinho. Jinho was very expressive, so we talked a lot. So I’ll think about him even more.

Q. What changed in you during the two years of military service?

First of all, my hairstyle. I thought about why I wore my hair long before joining the military. Now that my hair is short, it’s so much easier to take care of that I’m thinking of not letting it grow long. And people around me told me that I’ve become a lot more easy-going. I’m normally very careful and meticulous. But now I can control that. I know what to let pass. I think that’s a good thing.

Q. After your discharge, do you think you can say “Every man should go to the army” with confidence?

Of course. I’m sure everyone is worried and wants to avoid it and feel scared. But I said the same thing at every Consolation Train. “If you think it’s difficult, it will become very difficult. But if you take this as an opportunity to learn something, you military life will help you in your life as a civilian.” Everyone is in a different situation, but if you find something that is worthwhile and fun to do, despite how physically difficult your life is, the military life will be very helpful for most people. I believe this will be a foundation for the life outside.

Q. If you were to return to the military, is there something else you would like to try outside DEMA?

I remember the recovery and identification operation. I was able to experience that for a short time during a Military TV show shoot, and I felt so much respect for the soldiers there. They were doing something so amazing that I felt so embarrassed and grateful about at the same time. Every solider is working for this country and they are all equal, of course, but I felt that the achievements of those who sacrificed themselves are, I don’t even have words to describe them, but they are being forgotten. And those soldiers were going to some unbelievable places to find the remains of one more fallen soldier despite all the danger. I was so grateful. I thought about serving there for a short time.

Q. Last words…

I reported my transfer when I was a private first class here, said hello when I became a private and a corporal, and now, I’m finishing up my discharge interview. Thank you very much for your warm welcome, and more than anything, your health is important. I hope you take care of yourselves during your military service, and I hope the time you spend as soldiers help you in the future.

And for those who are waiting for me, I think I was able finish my military service with such success because of your support. Thank you very much, and I will see you when I return to being a singer after my discharge. Thank you for everything, and I wish you health.

I am Sergeant Park Hyoshin of DEMA. Salute!!

Sergeant Park Hyoshin is returning to the hearts of many more people!

English translation: sandbox